Switch-on Reading and Writing

Switch-on is a proven reading and writing intervention developed by Nottinghamshire Reading Recovery Teacher Leaders for underachieving, vulnerable pupils working below age related expectations in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3, as well as special schools.

Switch-on Reading is an intensive 10-week literacy intervention. It is delivered daily on a one to one basis by staff, most commonly teaching assistants, who have been trained in the approach. Each lesson lasts 20 minutes. The purpose of Switch-on is to achieve functional literacy for as many pupils as possible, and so to close the reading achievement gap for vulnerable children working below age-expected levels. It is inspired by the well-established intervention Reading Recovery, which is teacher led and delivered over a 12-20 week period.

Switch on has been evaluated by the Education Endowment Foundation and key points noted were: “Pupils with low attainment prior to the intervention showed particularly positive results, making five additional months progress on average. Pupils eligible for free school meals and pupils identified as having special educational needs made four additional months progress on average. As such, this evaluation suggests that Switch-on can be an effective intervention for weak and disadvantaged readers at the stage of transition to secondary school.”

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